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Custom developed VR show-case application for Oculus Go.
The game runs on Unreal Engine.

All the assets inside the game were custom made: robot, screens, oil platform, petrochemical plant, store 3D model, shooting-showcase models for explainers and all other assets.

The application was done for a oil company to showcase their company culture, way of working and more inner understanding of how Oil works. The application was mostly intended for children and young adults, where the videos and propraitary elements explained the process of Oil refinement and its derivates.

We gamified the way of progressing throughout the experiance, whit a gun which is inteded to shoot your way further.

The software was presented at a close show-case for C executives in Saudi Arabia.

The idea of using VR for learning purposes is a great way to solve the issue of millennials learning about "old-school" technology. Thanks to ShindiriVR we successfully overcame the step of bringing the knowledge about Oil to younger generations.


Gamification and implementation of 3D models throughout the experiance made the application interesting and alluring to children, to learn more about Oil and its derivates.

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